Teams selected to join Breakthrough are expected to:

  • Attend two in-person workshops (2.5 days each) in the continental United States

  • Attend one Demo Day in the continental United States

  • Join weekly or bi-weekly coaching calls with an expert coach (frequency determined by the team), co-developing the agenda with the coach

  • Participate in 1-2 shared learning activities with their accelerator cohort per month

  • Work within teams between activities to advance their innovation (activities will vary by team)

  • Provide structured feedback to the Breakthrough team to improve the cohort experience

  • Submit a budget for how your team would use the $100K award within the nine months of the program

Outside of required in-person events, we anticipate that this will equate to teams spending 8-10 hours per month on Breakthrough Accelerator activities—4-5 hours on structured, hosted events and 4-5 hours working independently as a team. This breakdown may ebb and flow throughout the accelerator and will increase during months in which in-person workshops and Demo Day are held.