Elizabeth serves as a coach for teams interested in evaluation. She spent six years providing direct services to children in therapeutic foster care and working as a legal advocate for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault before going to graduate school. Elizabeth earned a Master of Science in Public Health degree from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, with a concentration in reproductive, perinatal, and women’s health. Since then, she has focused on adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health and has over 15 years of experience in the field. Elizabeth has held leadership roles on several large, rigorous program evaluations.
She would like to see more adolescent sexual health programs developed for, with, and by youth with disabilities. Elizabeth moved to Baltimore, MD for graduate school and fell in love with the city, so she never left. Her favorite thing in the world is spending time with her pre-teen daughter, but she also likes taking long walks around Baltimore no matter the season and planting native trees in her free time.