Sarah Axelson, she/her,

Sarah leads the design and delivery of innovation-related activities for Breakthrough. She has over 15 years of experience in innovation and adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH). After learning about the intersection of design and health, Sarah brought human-centered design (HCD) to Personal Responsibility Education grantees while serving as a project officer for the Family and Youth Services Bureau. She also participated in HHS Ignites, a highly competitive federal accelerator program designed to spur innovation in the federal sector.

Sarah has published peer-reviewed articles on innovation in ASRH in Prevention Science, presented on innovation at state and national conferences, partnered with world-renowned design firm IDEO, and received training in HCD at the Stanford In addition to her full-time role with Power to Decide, Sarah is an adjunct faculty member and DrPH candidate at the George Washington University School of Public Health, where she teaches a course on Design Thinking in Public Health. When she isn’t working full-time or teaching, you can find her volunteering with something related to reproductive health and rights, daydreaming about new teaching/training tools and products (yes, that’s really what she daydreams about!), or hanging out with her partner and dog.